
Bali Bliss Tour

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Batu Bulan Village

Batubulan Village is an art village situated in west gate of Gianyar Regency. The identity and image of an art village has been famous in Indonesia and around the world, this village is built through the art of Barong Dance performances (Barong and Kris Dance) those are performed at five different Barong Stages such as Puseh Temple Stage, Tegal Tamu Stage, Denjalan Stage, Sahadewa Stage and Sila Budaya Stage. The attractiveness of these tourism objects are all sourced from the diversity and quality of art potential owned by the villagers such as dances, Kerawitan, sculpture and literature. In addition to the development of touristic art, there are also the living entertainments and sacred art in this countryside.

History of Batubulan Village 

Batubulan Village is formerly as an agriculture village supported by the craft of stone carving. This village is relying the potential of art, strategic location and the open village network from locally, nationally until globally so that this village growth as an interested and famous tourism object in Bali Island. All tour packages itinerary to the center of Bali and east of Bali are started from Batu Bulan Village. The Batubulan station is strategically functioning as a symbol of connectivity to seven regency in Bali such as Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, Bangli, Klungkung, Karangasem and Buleleng.

Batubulan Village Features

Batubulan Village is located within 8 km from Denpasar City, the campital of Bali Province. This village is consisted of three custom villages such as Tegaltam, Jero Kuta and Delod Tukad. It is covering 16 Banjar (Group of community) and demographically, it is relatively dense of population with 11.333 people or 2.775 families. The eminent object and the main attraction of Batubulan Villa