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Mas Village Bali Wood Carving Center 

Mas Village is a village of art with a focus on carving of wood sculptures. It is situated in Ubud District and Gianyar Regency has a distinctive style in the art carving of wood sculptures that promotes characteristic synergy of humanism and naturalism. The fame of this village as a village of art has been recognized nationally and internationally which can’t be separated from the greatness name of some maestros who born, growth and find their identities and spirit of art in Mas Village like the famous artist, Ida Bagus Tilem  and others.

The village on it development 

Mas Villagers are not different with other people in the tourist destination village in Bali, where they have undergone a transformation from the agrarian to the craftsmen societies and now continuing to the societies of both trade and procurement of souvenirs for domestic and foreign tourists. Although the principle identity of Mas Village is sculpture village, it is now also developing several tourism objects and attractions that have enriched the fascinations of this village. One tourism object and culture attraction with huge potential and importance in the northern of the village is Rudana Museum, one of the monumental museums about Bali’s art especially painting. This museum has many collections, distinctive and collected the various of art.


Mas Village is strategically located in the center of tourist destination and easily reached from any direction with any vehicles. If it is related to Denpasar City position, then Mas Village location is located about 15 km east direction to the Ubud way. The starting point entrance to Mas Village is Sakah junction with big monumental statue of baby (Patung Bayi) positioning in the middle of road. This baby statue is a symbol and representation of the early life of Balinese in the local Balinese wisdom believes that is close with value, philosophy, religious and dynamism. In according with the Balinese cognitive, the baby is representing the fertility and the early life stage of human before entering the next life cycle includes Brahmacari (Learning phase), Grehasta (married phase), Wana Prasta ( the phase of maturation and stabilization of life spiritual life aspect) and Sanyasin (the phase of meeting the dead and eternal life in other worlds).

Tourist Destinations

Mas Village as one of the tourism object and attraction in Gianyar Regency is located between the village of arts that are mutually supportive and complimentary. In south of this village there is Batuan Village famous with the traditional painting of Batuan style, in east there is Kemenuh Village famous with the center of wood carving, in west is Lod Tunduh Village famous with painting, in the north is Peliatan Village famous with traditional dances and Kerawitan gamelan. In the northeast of this village, there is Goa Gajah, a famous tourist destination with cultures and archeological as a representation of diversity and the feature archeological of Balinese cultures.